The Holy Cube and The Raining Shapes of Death

Day One of using Unity3D.

After reading script references and video tutorials, I decided to take some time and start doing a Unity3D project from scratch. That's right, from scratch, without any of those tutorial files etc. Starting from a completely empty project.

I present to you... The Holy Cube and The Raining Shapes of Death. It is my interpretative art piece of the downfall of humankind (the cube). As holy as they are, humans cannot dismiss their flaws of excess pride (the cylinders) and weakness in judgement (the spheres). But fear not, as parallel planes of existence (the floor) prevent their self-destructive nature.

Let's not forget that humans tend to want to be accepted (the spotlight).

Haha love programmer bullshit.

Click here to see it in action. Use the arrow keys or WASD to move the holy (nuaaaaa) cube.

Time I took to create this: 20 minutes. Amazed? Here's why:

  • Creating shapes was obviously a cinch, but adding physics to it was also one click away!
  • Adding those particles was with just a click, and a little mouse drag to attach it to the cube
  • To move the cube, you just need to add 3 freaking script lines
  • The script for the camera to look at the cube is 2 freaking lines
  • The spotlights share the same script as the camera, means they also look at the cube
  • A few script lines to bring the shapes back up after reaching a certain bottom y-axis
  • Duplicating the shapes means the script gets duplicated too
I know the shapes go through the platform, as the shapes are too fast and the platforms are too thin to detect collision, but I enjoy looking at them fall like rain lol.

Really, imagine the possibilities if I had a month. Let's see what I can come up with!

Here's the Unity3D source file. Whoever's interested, you can check out Unity3D's website.


Roguester said...

What? You're actually doing work there? How bizarre! All kidding aside, looks great but i have a feeling Flash will incorporate 3D sooner or later and eat up all these upstarts!

ahbonk said...

Of course! I don't play 24 hours here u know :P

What you said is true, but Unity3D, Torque, etc still has the upper-hand in standalone game-making, whereas Flash is more built for the web.

I'm actually using Unity3D just for the purpose of standalone game development, just publishing stuff on the web for everyone to see my progress.

But I have to say, in terms of physics and networking, Unity3D has proven to be powerful, so even if Flash incorporates 3D, it will still take some to incorporate these features.

diamondtearz said...

@Roguester- Unless a large part of the Flash Population moves over to using Unity3D. Unity is also deep into the iPhone Game Space now and the Wii. I think it's gaining some serious traction. Beyond the 3D you have a whole bunch of features that are not even in Flash's best interest to try to include.