They'd Be Crazy to Follow Us, Wouldn't They?

Day 5 of my Unity3D trial. Been busy doing other stuffs, but yesterday I tinkled with it again.

Say, ever wanted to drive through an asteroid field above the clouds? Thought as much.

Click here to see it in action!

Don't worry, you're safe! The asteroids are all behind you! (aka lazy to program collisions)

You can always IMAGINE that it's a game where you're running from a horde of Tie Interceptors (left side of the screen, can't see 'em) while having to avoid the asteroids. Have fun!

Unity3D works nicely with Blender! Downloaded an A-wing and an asteroid model, and changed their colours a bit. The model is automatically updated in Unity3D as I save in Blender. Nice.

It's getting close to how a 3d game would feel like (yeeaaaa suuuureee) and it only took at most 6 hours of my time. I'm really liking Unity3D so far. Here are some key points of this update:

  • No more holy cube :(
  • Few lines of script to make the 3D ship follow the 2D mouse cursor
  • Added a bullet generator that responses to the mouse click, again just a few lines
  • With prefabs, I can change the particles of the bullet easily and it updates all bullet clones
  • I put a script in an empty game object that acts as the game's control center
  • Added a generator that spams asteroids with random size, rotation and speed
  • Actually, the camera and the ship is also moving to the right a'la horizontal shooter, just the stupid BG is not moving... hence the asteroids for added effect :P
Prefabs are fantastic. No it's not Fabian before he was born. They're like classes in OOP and MovieClips in Flash, but it's so easy to change the outlook, the particles, etc since it plays the animated result automatically in the scene/game pane. The scripting part is quite messy, but I'm a messy person anyway :P

Next up, I will add collisions and enemy ships, plus some bullet patterns. Stay tuned!

Click here for the source files.


E3102 Gamma said...

Hazmer, I would like to create a rhythm based game but after looking at the some the AS3 sources, it seems pretty intimidating. Do you think Unity 3D would be suitable for DDR style/Rhythm Tengoku based games?

Is creating prototypes easy for an street fighter game too?

Jordan Phang said...

hehe, nice one dude. didn't take you long to go for a shmup!

btw, the mouse pointer is always over the ship.

ahbonk said...

Hmmm rhythm-based games huh. Well I tried to do a simple search, but I couldn't find such games on Unity3D. I'm sure it's capable.

I've seen some music games in Flash though. It's proven that it works. You might wanna look at FlashAmp as a few game developers use it.

Anyhow, you shouldn't factor in the suitability for rhythm-based games when you wanna consider Flash or Unity3D, imo. You should instead ask yourself, if you want to publish the game on the Web, would you want the user to go through the extra trouble downloading the plugin? And are 3d graphics really needed for the game?

For fighting games, I wouldn't say it's easy. In terms of game planning (character unique moves, damage balance, play style, etc), animation as well as precise collision detection, it could end up being one of the hardest prototype to make. BUT many popular small doujin teams created fighting games, comes to show that with passion you can create whatever game you want.

ahbonk said...

Jordan: Haha yea I know. At such an early stage I don't want to piss people off by hiding the mouse cursor. Sometimes I hate it when that happens.

Unknown said...

When Fabian is around things are even more Fabulous

Anyways looking forward to your demo. By the way, what happened to the Star Trek game prototype we were joking about?

diamondtearz said...

Neat work! Thanks for providing the source code for us to learn!