Unity3D: Web Games Are Never the Same Again

I've been exploring options for game engines lately, I wanna get out of my Flash comfort circle. I have many game ideas yet it's been a while since they came into fruition. So I stumbled upon the usual: Torque, Ogre3D, Game Maker, etc.

There's been a game engine that is rising in popularity among indie developers, good for 2D and 3D games alike, has built-in graphics and physics engine, good networking support for MMOs and can be easily published to various platforms such as PC, Wii, iPhone and *gasp* Web browsers?! No! It can't be! Yea, call me outdated, coz I've never seen such impressive 3d in my browser before (except in YouTube lol).

Introducing Unity3D. They just added support for development on Windows a few months back (was only for Apple for years). Maybe that's why their game list is not prolific, considering many game developers use Windows. But by looking at the current games, one can't help but be impressed.

Take, for example, FusionFall, an MMO for teens by Cartoon Network.

Whoa since when did the characters look this awesome? Ah, the good ol' days when I had Astro where I would just watch flip through Discovery, AXN, Star World, Nick and Cartoon Network.

The story starts with matured Dexter wanting to bring you to his timeline via a time machine. As usual Deedee is up to no good again and goes "Oooh what does this button do?". You are accidentally brought way forward to the future, to a world of doom and crisis. (DOTT much?)

Don't I just look so kewt? All these kids and teen MMOs are smart enough to screen your name manually, so I was given a temporary name first.

You are then escorted by Ben and Numbuh Five to a basic combat session. The controls are simple, the interface is intuitive and the tutorials were easy to follow. Cutscenes are shown here and there to describe the current quest. Once you reach Sector V, you are able to invite friends to your group, do trades and what not.

Well not enough to convert me from WoW of coz, but I'm sure it will make any CN fan happy.

The 3D world is convincing enough, especially considering that it's playing in your web browser. And it's an MMO to boot. Of course, the downside is that you need to download the plugin, but it's small and easy to install with just a click of a button at any game launch page.

While you're at it, try this Tropical Paradise demo. Believe it or not, you can navigate through the landscape above with the WASD keys and mouse. And play the free web games at Blurst, they're all using Unity3d. I especially recommend Blush and Paper Moon.

I'm gonna download the trial version of Unity3D and see what I can do with it. Regardless, it's high-time we realize that web browser games have evolved beyond just interfaces and sprites.


Jordan Phang said...

Hey dude, yea man i've been checking out unity too. I'll probably want to use it for a game project idea i've got!

Btw, hows No straight roads coming along?

ahbonk said...

WHOA that was quick!

Well NSR development is, in a word, slow :P But it's still ongoing, hopefully the first level demo will be playable soon. I'll let you know as soon as it's out!

Unknown said...

Wow... things are so different from when I was looking into games development.

Good luck with it! Maybe you can show me a demo next time I'm around.

diamondTearz said...

Good luck on your Unity Journey! The engine can do amazing things and I look forward to seeing what you produce.

ahbonk said...

Fabian: sure, in fact u'll be my tester ;) will that be okie?

diamondTears: Wow thanks for coming over to the blog! Yes, it's indeed amazing and when the trial period is finished and everything goes well, I'm set to buy it for realz :)