Yokohama Trip

(EDIT: Now with Zettai Shounen references at the end of the post!)

My cousins and I were very determined to go *somewhere* during the Golden Week. Kononnya wanna go Osaka, Kyoto, Hakone, Hokkaido... but I ran out of money :( Let me tell ya, being in Tokyo and having no money sux big time.

We went to Yokohama instead, 45 minutes away from Tokyo :P

We landed in Yokohama into a shopping complex called Lumine, where we had our lunch.

I'm pretty sure that the Japanese meant Sea Bus, if you follow the Katakana spelling, but Daim here tries to show how a Sea Bass looks like. Jadi tak?!

Sogo is still very well alive here in Tokyo. Miss the KL one though, in such a nice dodgy place!

And that's our Sea Bus... i mean, Bass.

The boat reminds me of Aria! It has a powerfully-air-conditioned indoor section...

...and an outdoor section. Awwww just look at these two lovebirds, having a time of their life. While they're busy discussing the names of their future kids...

...we're busy posing as pirates. One might fondly remember my plundering experience with Aidi.

Wooo more Aria reference. They should put up more of that wind thingies!

The boat made three stops in total, and this is the first one. Lovely, isn't it? This is where Umino Chika got her pen name, and that's why in Honey and Clover there was such a amusement park beside the sea. We shall revisit this spot soonish!

Too bad for the cloudy weather that day, so my n00b photography skills are easily seen!

And that ends our journey through the seas. We are trying our best to hide our motion sickness.

This... I have no words to describe this picture.

Except it's sorhai. Really sorhai.

We arrived at Yamashita Park, where obvious signs of Spring come to life! A lot of greenery and flora to be seen here. We've been in super modern Tokyo for too long....

...far too long. You should know by now that we just LOVE to frolic through flower beds.

Nice boat. Hehe, sorry couldn't resist.

The sea breeze coupled with greenery. Wonder if I should really move to Yokohama instead.

Unfortunately Daim enjoyed the bay winds a little too much.

I was too late :~( May he rest in peace...

...New jacket w00t!

Park, flowers, fountain, excuse for being late, confession.... now where's the girl?!

After the park stroll, we took a train to Minatomirai for the next itinerary on the list. We had to go through a shopping complex (what is it with Yokohama and shopping complexes?). They had this cool German gibberish on this giant wall. Felt like playing Xenosaga all of a sudden.

I am the Architect. I created Yokohama. I've been expecting you.

And we have arrived at the amusement beside the sea, also known as Yokohama Cosmo World! No Mickey Mouse in sight, just us and the rides.

But first, what the hell is this?!

And this is the famous Ferris Wheel, the Cosmo Clock 21, referenced a lot when artists wanna refer to Yokohama. When it was first built, it was the largest ferris wheel in the world.

According to Wiki Travel, it currently holds the record for the biggest clock in the world. Yea I lol'ed at first, but it has clock mechanisms inside the wheel, making it turn endlessly for many years at a consistent clock-like rate.

After all that trouble setting the timer, one person just had to dist... oh, hey sweetie.

I hate two things: cockroaches and height. But today is the day I overcome my fear of heights!

...Or so I thought. Phailed.

Dzaid seems to be in such a comfortable position right now.

At least I had enough courage to take pictures of the view. So best tak this view?!

Just look at that headache-inducing yellow roller caster ride!

I'm also proud to say that I rode on that pink-railed roller coaster. I haven't ridden on one for more than TEN years! Yes I was a chicken, but no more!

The roller coaster is called Vanish, and it lives up to its name. It vanishes right into that pool as you see in the picture. Hell never looked so pretty.

Oh, the dark sky is like telling us to go home, you old hags.

If this was WoW, I would have already achieved the following that day:

[Look out Below!] - Ride a giant ferris wheel
[Where are we? WHEN are we?] - Ride a pink-railed roller coaster
[Oh no, it's the land crusher!] - Swim on hard ground

Nothing like ruining a kid's amusement ride for your own enjoyment.

Gotta watch out for 'em kid predators.

Daim and Pikachu are best friends.

The night view of the ferris wheel was pretty. Here's the video that I took, with my added commentary in the middle:

And that ends the trip to the amusement park. Time to grab dinner!

And what better place to have dinner than a museum that dedicates itself to dinner! Welcome to the Ramen museum. Or Raumen museum. Sigh damn romaji-fications.

We thought it would be just normal museum detailing the history of ramen and what not...

...but will you look at that! The founder of the museum created a 1:1 replica of a section in Tokyo during the 1950s. Impressive!

Don't you just love old advertisement billboards?

Really, the atmosphere was immersive, to say the least.

They even had this old man in the scene. With headphones though. That spoiled everything.

Come to think of it, why must an age-old place have an old man? They have young people during those days too rite lol

The only problem was the vending machine. As much as they tried to make it look old, modern vending machine is modern.

Just had ramen with this cool Japanese dude.

The ramen was delicious! Too bad the entrance fee alone was 300 yen, else I would come here more often. They even had that sambal-like thing to spice things up!

Uhh Daim, I think that hole is where the... never mind.

And that ends our Yokohama trip. Though it's near, it felt quite different than Tokyo. The sea breeze, the huge space. And I had all those achievements too! Ichinichi tanoshikatta!

Btw, here are some screenshots from the (horrible) Yokohama story arc of Zettai Shounen! Why? Coz I'm an anime fan :P The tower, the sea bass, the ferris wheel, it's all there~!

1 comment:

zYen said...

tanoshikatta ne!
another fun trip & cool weekend~

I have been to yokohama once too^^
really nice over there~
and I ride on the ferriswheel as well*
It isn't that high when you get up there la haha...phailed sumore haha~

all your photos....
is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorhai lo~
but super funny la!
try to control my volume of laughin in office wei....susah tahu?

eeee...i don't know there is a ramen museum there!!
i watched that in tv once and really dying to go there~T^T
u makin me hungry man....

but the day i went to yokohama is a nightmare...
i had food poison on that day...
n i vomit everywhere in the shopping centre in yokohama...
hope the janitor and shop keeper wont mad at me ><

haha still cant stop laughin lookin back to all ur sorhai photographs with funny captions lo~~
going with you must be very fun^^
wait for me ya hazume~