Haruhi New Episode Just Aired

Wooo just watched the new Haruhi episode. It's great to see them back... ye ke? It's been so long since the last time I've seen MADs of Hare Hare Yukai that it needs some time to get into it again. Got tired thanks to the damn marketing.

For example, just when you thought Haruhi S2 was coming in Spring, they aired the old episodes instead. Countless number of times Kadokawa teased fans with their false advertising of the new season. For 3 freaking years.

Unlike the TV series before (and like the DVD version), they aired the episodes in chronological order instead. Which means that the last episode becomes the 7th. Fans of the Haruhi novels however knew that an important event, which is linked to Tanabata, is to be shown between the 7th and the rest of the first season, if it was truly in chronological order.

Last week a magazine confirmed the 8th episode broadcast to be titled "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody", which was never before seen in season 1. The Internet and I got skeptical though, thinking that it's another stupid marketing ploy which might result in 1 minute of new footage.

Saitama TV station is known to show the earliest broadcast of the show. Hotel rooms in Saitama were booked solid to verify the midnight broadcast. Otakus are nuts. If only they had used half of their lifetime to get a real girl into that room instead.

To their delight, the new episode was aired at 12:45am Tokyo time last night. 2ch was flooded with messages even during the broadcast itself, about 100 an hour. Thank god it's not another marketing ploy. Luckily for us Tokyo-ites, there will be no otaku mob strike today.

The new episode has a time-travelling theme *thumbs up* It even comes with a new ED. No dancing sequence this time, which I think is a good thing. But, lack of Tsuruya is UNFORGIVABLE!

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