Project Trico (Three and Ico, geddit?)

Welcome to last week's news! Experts in ruin architecture, sunlight rays, unstable braking, giant-climbing and fps-lowering are back in a new PS3 venture. Makers of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus present (though not willingly?)... the trailer of Project Trico!

Ooooh, giant griffin-kitteh!

I have a feeling that Project Trico will be combining both mechanics of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. In other words, you are able to climb a giant friend and go places! Nice... Hope I'm right, coz then it would truly be as awesome as Colossus while retaining the fun and exploratory portion of Ico. In all PS3 graphical glory.

Valkyria Chronicles, Burnout, FFXIII, MGS4, White Knight Chronicles... damn I need a PS3, NAO!

1 comment:

z-s- said...

The monster(pet?) look like a mixed creature of cat,mouse,dog and bird.....i think it will be show in coming e3.

I wan ps3 too~~. My friend orders and will get his ps3 next week with Valkyria Chronicles....(planing go to his house to play this game..XD)