Some After Effects Fun (for TOA Presentation!)

Some of you guys already know that I'll be conducting a presentation at The One Academy this Friday. And no, I'm not going back to Malaysia ^^;; I'm excited coz it's my first, also TOA's first, video conference talk ever! Let's hope the Internet and I are best friends that day.

I'll be talking about doujin culture and its impact to the Japanese community. Thought I'd take the initiative and create a nice video of Akihabara. Borrowed my ex-classmate's camera, took a bunch of stuff with Dzaid as cameraman and am now editing the video. Should be done by tonight... I think :S

Only edited video twice in my life LOL, and that's using Adobe Premier. Then I went, what the heck la, let's learn After Effects. People always tell me it's like Photoshop but it's moving, so why not rite. Cool thing is that the trial version is only limited by its 30-day period.

That said, please forgive me if my editing sucks k :P

Big thanks to Sook Chiung and team for getting all this together. Here, she's wearing glasses coz I started wearing one too. hehe *blush*

Alright then. Students of TOA, can't wait to see you guys this Friday! Yoroshiku ne!

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