Myzo - An Excuse to Watch Cats Disturb People

I love cats.

End of last year, an interesting free online service called Myzo was born. It's simply a slew of very unique variety shows, each between 1 to 5 minutes, shown one after another without stop, but you can switch "channels" easily. The videos include:

  • Stupid short films and commercials
  • Documentaries of all types, including how to sleep on a hammock
  • Amazing feats involving tennis
  • Example scenarios of irritating moments, like using the cellotape
  • A cooking show with unusual conditions (e.g. cooking fried rice without waking your wife up)
  • Intentionally unsync-ed national anthems of different countries, with corny graphics and effects with Japanese translation (Malaysia was not spared)
It's like Japanese variety show, Warioware-style.

The videos are crazy random, which is part of the charm. They have that weird but professional and creative aura that surrounds them. Anyone who has played Metal Gear Solid 4 should relate it to the beginning of the game; you know what i'm talking about.

My favourite channel is ShuuChuuRyoku no Tsukekata 「集中力のつけ方」. To test how well they can focus on a certain job/game, they do it in a room of curious cats.

Yup that's it. Hey, told you I love cats rite? I need no other reason to watch this!

Playing the Hyakunin-Isshu, a traditional Japanese game where you're required to choose a card that contains the second half of a given unfinished poem. Love how the guy lifted the cat's tail to see the cards haha.

Jigsaw Puzzle. Awwww there's a kitten in the hood. *heart*

Playing Shogi (Japanese Chess). The cats added more challenge to the game at first, but later they just laid back and watched the game.

Calligraphy. Hard to draw anything especially with a cat wearing a maid suit blocking your way!

GOD, cats are so KEWT!

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