My Top 5 Polysics Songs

Ok, so I wanted to post about E3 and all that. Suddenly James, a guy I met on Lowyat.NET talked to me on MSN about my favourite Japanese music groups/singers. I'm not THAT much into non-soundtrack music, but first thing that hit my mind was Polysics.

Told James that I talked about them in the blog before, a little here and there, but he asked why I didn't have a single post about Polysics. So yup, here we are!

They like to call themselves the "Technicolor Pogo Punk" group. In simple terms -- trippy! Their songs remind me of old video game soundtrack. The reason I love them is that they're focused on using their instruments to play high energy music rather than just have nice vocals. They are obviously enjoying themselves!

Possibly due to their whackiness, they're one of the few Japanese groups that could do live tours in Europe and the US, and have their albums sold there too. You can see their live concerts on YouTube, in Japan, London, Portland, Bristol and California. You can read more about their worldwide success on their Wiki page.

Ok enough talk! Best to just look at the real thing, rite? Well here are my Top 5, starting from numero uno:

#1 -- I My Me Mine

The song is just so catchy that it plays in my head every so often. And the dances LOL, love the road signs that come with them too, very symbolic. No surprise that it inspired Miku fans to create the popular MMD video.

#2 -- Baby Bias

I love Kayo-chan! She has all the talents that suit 70s/80s trippy music: the keyboard sounds, her vocals and her actions. Just look at how she literally tramples on the keyboard! If you prefer more guitar riffs, you can check out their live concerts. This song is almost always played at the end, so you can see them already sweaty, tired and still going at it at full speed!

#3 -- Computer Obaachan

Song title literally translates to "Computer Granny". Quirky title indeed! The truth is that this song was taken from an old kid's show Minna no Uta, but Polysics took it and brought it to a more awesome level! The MTV's good for typography motion class too.

#4 -- Electric Surfing Go Go

My mouth gaped wide open when I saw the MTV. 'Nuff said.

#5 -- You-You-You

The best intro song of Keroro Gunso. Love the 3D "You" jumping into your face, wonder why they didn't do it often. But the 3d guy being hit by a bunch of balls was totally random lol.

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