Fabian's Tokyo Trip: 2nd Episode

Just to let you guys know, there's a great movie called Rookies that just came out last week. Featuring your very own favourite Malaysian baseball player!

ANYWAY, Fabian came to Japan again for a business trip in Yokohama. He spent his last two days in Tokyo, so I thought I'd tag along! He brought his colleague too, Soon Yee, so can't spend too much time in Akiba :P Otaku Tour Package

We first went to Imperial Palace. After all the studying and preparation for the pressie, it's nice to walk in a peaceful wide open space. Wide open spaces are scarce in Tokyo!

Then we went to the Meiji Shrine in Harajuku. You can see more pictures of the shrine in my previous trip with my japanese class ex-classmates.

These are emas, similar to the ones you saw during the bus trip. You just write your wish on a wooden board and hang it here, hopefully it'll come true. Above are some interesting ones. The one on the top right is what I would write :P

And as with all the visitors (yes that includes you! when are you coming huh?) , I introduced Fabian to Gonpachi, a restaurant that inspired the set of the first Kill Bill movie. This was also where Dzaid and I spent our birthday.

Hooray for the 4th cameraman, aka the head waiter.

The next day, we went to Tokyo Tower. Weather was not good that day either :(

Ahbonk, casual wear custom edition. People around me know that I'm very fussy about how my picture is taken. I know I'm fat, but that doesn't mean I must LOOK fat!

Fabian shows his reaction to my fussiness.

Ok fine Fabian, I shall let loose this time! Yeh yeh yeh

Tokyo tower has a pink dildo for its mascot. Memang Japan!

I braved my fear of heights once again! Just don't... look.... down...

In the convenience store, we saw this. When a magazine is titled Tarzan and you have Ultraman as its front cover, you know you gotta read it. Nose bleed alert, May Yin! Ah, too late.

Apparently it's a workout magazine. With 3 minutes each day, you can mimic Ultraman's exercise routine and be strong enough to topple monsters and buildings!

Next we went to Tokyo Dome. When you talk about major league baseball in Tokyo, this is the place. Depending on Go-san for a baseball match invite one day!

This is not just any game center. It's more focused on sports, so this is where you can train your batting, pitching, dribbling, kicking and other sports terms that I have no idea what they mean.

Looks familiar? :3 First we tried the batting cages. Ever since I watched Cross Game, I had the urge to try this. Why am I so weak against anime influence, dammit.

There, don't I look like a professional batter now. Gotta straighten 'em shoes!

Moral of the story: Anime makes it look soooooo damn easy :P

We tried the pitching cage next. Gaya kan? Thought if I'd look like this, I could pitch the ball at 160 km/h, you know, like Cross Game LOL

The idea was to hit all 9 squares on the other end with 12 tries. I hit one. ONE! And that was because the ball bounced on the ground! I think my grandmother can run faster than my pitches.

Next, we tried ping pong. A cannon shoots out balls at lightning speed and you gotta land them on the other side. This is where I shine the most. Got most of them, with time extended too!

We played this unique mix of snooker and bowling. Daim said it's popular in clubs and all that. Didn't know that, shows how much I go clubbing :P

And lastly, we tried basketball. It's like the very big version of the one in TimeSquare. You can actually score in any hoop (1 point) but the ones with the blinking light yield 5 points. Being the kiasus that we are, we aimed for those only :P

We got 3 hoops, and 15 points! We actually aimed for, uh... odd numbers, starting from 5... Yeah! We rock, wooo! Yup.

For din-dins, we went to the Baseball Cafe, very near Tokyo Dome. Needless to say, it had that baseball-related decor all over. Felt very the American actually.

It's my first time here as well, and wow, the food was delicious! :9 Had succulent steak and rice. Gah, I get hungry just by typing this sentence!

And that was not the only thing that was delicious :3 Mmmmmmm, waitresses in pink baseball shorts. I declare this my newly born fetish!

Oh, after that we went to Akiba :P I'm sure you've seen enough of those pictures already haha. Thanks to Fabian for the trip and the dinner treat!

So when are YOU coming to Tokyo? ;)


Unknown said...

Thanks for taking us around Tokyo again!

Keep me informed about komiket!

random_ifa said...

i know may yin will be like "OH MY GOG!!! ULTRAMAN!!" LOL!

>_> so fun... wish i could go there oso _-_


better continue my assignment! =A=

Firdaus said...

omg! Rookies punya movie dah kluar kat sana ke?

Bila kluar dvd? dah dpt tgk tv series n SP je kat sini...