Last Class

I rarely do rants in this blog. A cousin once told me that it's attention-seekingly stupid to do such things. But please allow me to do it just this once. I really need to get it off my chest. You are free to skip this post completely and move on to the happier ones. After all, it's my blog and it's your right to not read it.

Today, I entered my room and cried.

I'm a guy and it's embarrassing to admit it, but yea I did. The usual happy-go-lucky me, cried. For hours on end, once in a while stopping to think about my situation. Been awhile since I shed tears. Really felt better after that, no regrets.

You see, ever since I came to Japan, I've been praised a lot, maybe too much. Still can't get used to it coz I don't think I'm worthy of such praises. Anyway, apart from the usual friendly, sociable, kind, bla bla bla, friends and teachers alike said that my Japanese is really good. Winning the speech contest helped to build such a rep.

Of course I sincerely reject that notion coz I still have a long way to go. A long, long way to go. Kanji. New words. New grammar constructs. The list goes on. My confidence in Japanese studies often wane whenever I hear a Japanese conversation or read a manga.

For that reason, I study. And I study hard. Yes I do! Heck, I have Kanji writings pinned on my wall, not just anime posters. I study the textbook almost everyday. I take note of every unknown word in the manga I read. All this really takes a lot out of me, but I'm ok. At least, I WAS ok. I had the intense drive to improve myself.

Up till now it might sound like I'm showing off, but that's not true. I'm merely stating the great deal of effort I put into learning Japanese, exactly because I'm weak in it.

Due to this diligence I did very well in class, much better than I expected. I was number one in class for the first semester, and number two for the second. Then there's this separate exam (let's call it ability test) where it tests your level of Japanese, and the school won't tell you the result, just for their own processing.

During the mandatory counselling session, the teacher showered me with sweet words like how good my Japanese is and how well I did during the speech contest. Not even a word of complaint or criticism. Didn't say how badly I did in that ability test either.

You would think that with those praises you'd have a higher expectation of yourself.

Then came the new semester. It was class placement time.

In my school, each class is represented by a letter, then a number. A1 is the same as A2, but B1 is better than B2, which is better than B3, then C1, C2 and C3.

To my utter shock, I was placed in the worst class in the morning session. That's right, I'm in C3. So I thought, hey maybe my close ex-classmates are there too.

Nuh-uh, I was grouped with my ex-classmates who were either not serious or just loves to sleep during class. The others, Nae and Sen Nyeo in A1, Dzaid and Go in A2, Hemming in B1 and Bomi in B2. I sincerely congratulated them, but I couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong.

So I went to my previous homeroom teacher. Maybe I was wrong about the class system. She said nope. I got curious and asked why am I in C3, and she answered "Maybe it was the result of that ability test?". I love my teacher and all, but that answer was so ridiculously ambiguous. No matter how much I pressed, she won't tell me the result of that ability test.

And starting from there, my thoughts were in a mess. I don't expect you to understand how disappointed I was, but seriously I was slumped. Still am now.

You mean, all that studying in hopes to learn more advanced stuff was all for naught? What about that part where I pushed myself to get past all those Chinese and Korean classmates who can read Kanji naturally to get number one and two? I'm not the kiasu type, so I'm not really concerned too much about position in class and stuff, but it's the only measurement of my ability.

Then I thought about it somemore. What am I supposed to do to become better? Must I push myself further? Thanks to today's event, what was waning confidence before is now totally non-existent.

And I'm thinking, this whole adventure is really costing a lot of money. I love being in Tokyo and all, but will I eventually be able to do what I want to do here, or is this a whole big waste of money? I still can stop now and save one whole year worth of school tuition, apartment rent, food, transportation, bills, etc. That amounts to tens-of-thousands of ringgit.

Thinking and thinking and thinking.

The optimistic voice in me is saying "You're not done yet right? You have a long way to go, so prove to them that you can do it!". I'm sure there are more chances to jump to a better class, but that's what I thought last semester too. At least to be at the same pace with my classmates. Now I'm falling behind. WAY behind.

If I continue, what am I supposed to do? Be superhuman and study at least 16 hours a day? Then will I only become better? Or should I channel my energy pursuing other things in life?

My eyes hurt like hell now. I just wanna rest from school for two days and think this over carefully. It'll possibly be one of the biggest decisions of my life. All the best to me.

Thanks for reading, my friend.


orilia said...

well, i dont know what to say but i understand how devastated you must be feeling now. *pats*

no matter what, dont give up, hazmer! keep reaching for ur aim! *cliche* - but it's true!

i hope things will work out great. maybe it's a blessing in disguise. :)

Ywei said...

owhh.. I can understand this kind of disappointment... this is really sad... I have such a situation too before I leave my high school... !! What to do...

Cheer bonk! mayb you are too good untill the school decided secretly send you to that class just to help their student!

I'm sure you are doing great! People can see. Dont stress up yourself too much because of this k? Gambatehh feenaa-chan!

albert said...

Hey life is full of ups and downs, cheer up. Sometime things are just way beyond our control.

The most important thing is the process of getting there. You should enjoy every single moment of the process and believe me, five years later when you look back and u'll know that this process has made u stronger.

fbdx said...

hey man,

sorry this has happened :(.

I still think that there's a computer virus that kinda affected ur class placement. must check antivirus.

anyway, if you're planning to come back, you might as well give them an ultimatum, say that i have no choice but to go back unless you explain why you've been sent back to C3. At least they should have let you know what things that have brought you down or else it's seriously unfair.

all the best dude, as your quite some time friend i always know you'll come with the right decision.

LeiYee said...

emm.. i understand de feelings.. i m kind of in tat situation be4. tat really makez me dissapointed..

bt dun giv it up! prove to them that they make a big mistake of puttin u there! u can do it =)

ganbatte neh!

May Chong said...

Sacrilege! DDD:

You don't need any of us to tell you that you're out there in pursuit of a dream--but dreams have a funny way of catching you round the ankles and tripping you up, too. Also, you say you are falling behind. Is this the first setback? The most major one so far? Is this a dream to be deferred, to be buried, to be doggedly pursued? In the end I think both your head and heart will give you the answer, and I really hope it's easy for you to find.

...Actually I'm getting a little curious myself. Maybe ask your ex-homeroom teacher--or even the current one, I'm sure s/he was told of the level of his/her coming students--what s/he thinks you could do better on. Tell her it's important that you find a concrete answer and some advice would be of help.

Fight on, 'bonk!


yzh said...

if working your ass out doesnt work, try other method, i'm pretty sure there someone out there encounter problem learning japansese language like you do,

maybe learning the easy kanji from point A and slowly goes for the more complicate one, like how we learn chinese?

dont give up so soon now man!! i believe this a dream that you have long for, and giving up now would waste your time, which i kinda regret for what i done =/

plus, there loads of friends here to support you, listening to friend ranting is what friends do after all \o/

p.s.Lechaoz might be back soon XD

chris red said...

Hey AhBonk...

I definitely understand your frustration. The same thing happened to me when I was in my jpn language school. I had only one M'sian classmate who was constantly on MIA mode. Everyone else was either Chinese or Koreans. I'm also from a public school then, so naturally I can't read kanji. As much as I studied, I could never match up to the rest as they've learnt the characters their entire life. No matter how hard I tried, I always end up (in writing and exams) just on the dot of being average, despite being able to converse in japanese fluently. What's worse? My classmates(mostly chinese) often cheat in class by speaking out the answers aloud in their native tongue sometimes so the teacher wouldn't understand.But I did! I understood every word and I knew it wasn't fair to any of us. So I did tell the teacher but it seems there isn't much they can do as classrooms are limited. I was way beyond pissed and miserable.

So I do understand how you feel my friend. Just take it easy. In the end, it's how you present yourself that matters in the real world. Although my kanji was alright, I had constant help from some of my korean friends. I learnt to make more friends and my japanese in turn improved because I can only speak japanese to my korean friends. So in the end, I benefited not only in improving my japanese(both written and spoken) but also learning a lot about korean culture (with the occasional treat of freshly made home made kimchi as well). So hold your head up high, yeah.


tanyus said...

Ah bonk, don't give up!
Everything in this world happen for a reason. You might not know the reason now, but I'm sure there's something planned for you. So don't give up now, keep moving on and believe in yourself.

I'm sorry I'm not good with words, but I really wish all the best for you. Have faith :) Maybe this can relate to you

ahbonk said...

Wanna let you guys know that I've really noted down all the advice you wrote here and came up with my resolve. Thanks to everyone's comments here, I'm back up on my feet :)

I will not give up in my pursuit for Japanese studies, but I shall treat it like the fun experience that it is. Seems that I have forgotten the basic feeling of being able to learn a new culture.

If the school thinks I deserve to be in that class, so be it. I'll work hard from there and prove to them I'm better than they think I am! My drill shall pierce the heavens!