Summer Anime Recommendation

Here I am at a Manga Cafe drinking an endless supply of orange juice and catching up with blogs and Facebook comments, ranting needlessly about how I want the Internet at home. Since I can't blog with pictures, you guys have to make do with YouTube videos!

I promise to have rooms pics and videos once the Net returns. I miss WoW *sob*

Summer has turned out to be a superb season for anime this year; new shows are great and continuing series, even greater. I can't update my sidebar now, as I can't edit pics, but here are my recommendations:

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Bakemonogatari. I love Shaft, again with all their stunning quick-cut visuals. This time it's about gods/demons taking over bodies and the attempts to exorcise them. A lot of yadda yadda, but the characters are quirky enough to get the momentum going (stapler angel ftw). Hauntings are creative too!

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. What happens when Tokyo is hit with a huge earthquake? This anime is a depiction of that prediction conducted by real-life university researchers. Couple that with my experience in Tokyo and a bunch of characters with personal issues and you have an immersive view of torn-apart Tokyo. PLUS you can trust Noitamina, the studio behind Honey and Clover and my fave last season, Higashi no Eden.

Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Murder mysteries revolving around a group of people in a mansion on an unescapable island? You gotta love that! A seemingly usual family visit turned deadly. A word of caution though: You gotta get ready for the super mindf*ck that I just experienced! Naturally from the makers of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, without the moeblob.

Canaan. Based on the Type-moon's hit game for the Wii (which won perfect score by Famitsu, btw!), this show has that wonderful action adventure pizzazz all over it. Feels so hollywood-like, especially during its opening scene where action takes place during a festival in Shanghai.

Aoi Hana. The intro wastes no time showing what kind of show it is (dzaid, you tak suka ah!). I too feel awkward when I watch this show, but I'm a big fan of the art and the pace of the show. Kamakura is truly a great setting for a slice-of-life show, gotta go there during the summer!

Other honorable mentions: Umi Monogatari, Kanamemo, Taishou Yakyuu Musume, Princess Lover


You can see the sidebar for that, but here are some cool new intros for the season!

Hayate no Gotoku!! 2nd season new OP last weekend! LOVE the pace, glad Kotoko's back.

Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's OP, posted here again for its mockumentary goodness :)

The medieval economy anime is back, it's Spice and Wolf II! Mmmmm Horo...

Spoiler abound! Valkyria Chronicles 2nd opening packs a nice punch, love it.

Watch Saki OP2 bloooomin in ã?¢ã??ã?¡  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Saki's 2nd OP. Little Non ftw, sounds like they're trying to sing in English but actually it's in Japanese. Cute and strange.

And watch out for Haruhi's Endless Eight, that'll kill you!


Hong said...

Kenzo Tange's Yoyogi National Gymnasium gets hit by The Big One? Nooo...

ahbonk said...

Yea we had our sports festival there, so I can feel the sentiment. But I didn't know it was by Kenzo Tange!

Hong said...

Yup, the architect of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Tokyo Dome, Fuji Television Building and planner for Osaka's Expo '70 himself.