OP for Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei parodies UFO cult

Wah, the proper opening for Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is finally broadcasted, in yummy random artsy goodness! Definitely huge potential to be in the Top 5 best opening in AAA'2009! Big applause to SHAFT again for this one.

Seriously all the characters are charming, one way or another. I love this show. I just realized recently: to parody-invert other animes, all characters except Kaede (a foreigner) have black hair! How cool is that!

This anime, being the Japanese social mockumentary that it is, has this opening as a mock to a Japanese UFO cult. YouTube commenter SchwarzXD describes the parody:

So now it proves to be a parody of "宇宙友好協会"(Cosmic Brotherhood Association), which was a organisation trying to find UFOs but later became a strange religion

They believed that a catastrophe(great flood)(0:18) will kill all humans but the members of CBA and their family will survive as an UFO will transport them to a new world, and their password was "リンゴ送れ、C"(ringo okure C), which is where the song's name came from and the "合言葉"(password) in the song means

If you can read Japanese, all this information is in the cult's wiki.

I have to wait for Hakukun's and Jasril's pictures, so the Mt Fuji post has to wait.

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