Alright, I'm Ready for Mount Fuji!

This is it, man! Bags packed, clothes all ready, memory card formatted, now it's just sleep and away I go! Bus leaves at 9:40 tomorrow Japan time, so gotta sleep early tonight. Yes, a rarity for me.

My phone is all charged and ready to send pictures to this blog as I brave the hill, so please check it often to see my up-to-the-minute progress. There's phone reception all the way to the top, but don't be surprised if there are no updates as interference is likely to happen in such high places.

Fyi, the plan is:

9:40 am - Bus leaves.
Around 11 am - Reach starting point, but must rest for an hour before climbing as advised.
12 noon - Start climbing. HELL YEA, LET'S CLIMB THIS BITCH!
12:05 pm - Rest.
6 pm (hopefully) - Reach mountain hut, 3,400 m above sea level. Sleep for the night.

1:30 am - Complain it's too early. Then leave for further climbing.
4~5 am - See sunrise!
7 am - Finish taking all possible pictures of sunrise.
9 am - Reach the very top of Mt Fuji at 3,776 m above sea level.
10 am - Memory card already full. Stop taking pictures. Start descending the hill.
1 pm - Reach the starting point. Talk about how awesome it was.
2 pm - Take the bus back to Shinjuku.
4 pm - Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

9 am - Wake up. Blog.

Sounds good? Wish me luck!

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