Danny Choo in a Nikon TV Ad

If there's one guy who's really living the foreigner's dream of being in Japan, it's Danny Choo. He's the very definition of someone who didn't follow his destiny and carved his own path.

His parents are both Malaysian Chinese, Penang-ites, but Danny was born in London. His father is Jimmy Choo, whose shoes have been made for the likes of Princess Diana, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, the cast of Desperate Housewives and other superstars. This popular pop culture icon deserves its own post, but I don't write about fashion designers, sorry :P

Anyway, Danny had something else up, his interest in Japan started with his imported Sega megadrive. He didn't have Chinese education, so when he was young, he pasted Kanji cards all over his bathroom wall! According to both of them, he didn't borrow a single dime from daddy.

From there, he worked in Japan Airlines office in London, hoping to get a head start. Next thing you know, he ended up as a manager in Amazon and Microsoft offices in Tokyo. Now he has a nice startup in Tokyo, serving big-name clients. And he married a Japanese! Easy only. Kantan dake.

He also worked as a stormtrooper before. Sadly, luck would have it that the Death Star blew up and he lost his job, so he ends up dancing in the streets of Tokyo.

Here's a little video introduction. He was featured in CNN.

To show you how far he has come, he's now featured in a Nikon TV commercial. No, not as Guy B running in the background. It's really a proper interview with him. Though he's actually a Panasonic Lumix user :P Shhhhh.

I'm sure he wanted to explain more about the maids XD "This is Zettai Ryouiki..."

He's truly an inspiration for many of us, otakus and non-otakus alike. Congrats, Danny!

All aspiring photographers should also check out the other adverts @ http://www.nikonnext.com/. Very awe-inspiring ads.

1 comment:

EJ said...

He was using a Canon at one point, and I believe he is still using it. The Lumix is probably a second camera...but its a really sweet camera...