Sayonara Doohee-chan

So best tak see the DotA post for one whole week?

Anyway, two Saturdays ago was one of the saddest day of my life here in Tokyo. My best friend here, Doohee-chan, had to go back to Korea as her school term here ends.

So Dzaid and I, being the good friends cum gentlemen that we are *ahem*, accompanied her to the airport and helped her with the luggage.

You see, no one speaks English in class, except Janette. With most other classmates, I had to speak formally in Japanese like "What did you do last weekend?", "How much is your house rent?", "How's the food in your country?" etc. You know, the typical culture exchange talk.

Doohee-chan is very fun to talk with. We like to engage in what the Japanese call baka-banashi, or talk crap! Just like how my friends and I talk back in Malaysia, right ppl?! :D We don't care if our Japanese sucks, we just talk about whatever we want to talk about.

To reflect on her down-to-earth personality, she likes to ask funny questions, doesn't mind being in stupid pictures, laughs a lot and likes to jokingly praise herself, like "Well you still have the other classmates, just too bad that I'm the most interesting person to talk to, deshoouuu?!" XD

She wrote a letter for me before she left (awwwww) and reminded me of when we first met (double awwww). She was the first schoolmate who formally introduced herself to me, coz she sat beside me during the opening ceremony. It was a blessing that we landed in the same class.

Unfortunately, she was also the first schoolmate who I had to say goodbye to. Sayonara Doohee-chan, hope we can meet sometime again. When I visit Korea someday, you better keep your promise and take me around yea!


And here's some bonus content!

We trained her to say a malay simpulan bahasa. As to why... errr, it's a little of an inside joke among us cousins, but it's still a proper saying. Could you hear it?

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