Festival Special 6.5: Comiket 75 (Tuesday)

And now, on to the last day of Comiket!

I never learn my lesson, do I?

Wah, it's even more crowded today!!! Well, it is, uh, H-day if you know what I mean ^^;;

This is the very same east hall as yesterday, this time you can't even see the floor properly.

One of the first places I went to. Studio Kimigabuchi does Gainax doujinshis and is damn good at it! The art is great, and no characters out of proportions here! Hehehe, proportions, hehehehhe....

Unfortunately, only 1 hour after Comiket was opened, a few famous doujin circles were already closed. This was Ryohka's stall, and the same went for Tony Taka X_X Sorry Sora, by the time I reached the counter, he was only taking Internet reservations. I am epic failz.

For any famous circles, to even *browse* through their stuff fans had to line up. This one is for the Pussy Cat circle, malas to join this one la. I don't even know them :3 <-- hehe, pussy cat.

Note to self, NEVER postpone your cosplay event visits to the last hour.

At least it's *relatively* rare to see Haruhi in the fantasy RPG costume.

Haha, his sulky face matched Cloud to the tee.

Kamina-sama! Amazing, you're still... uh, never mind.

Nothing to see here, kids. Move along, move along...

Moeru ze, chou moeru ze!

I guess Ayu-chan got a little older.

Sunohara had the size to bully her back!

This is definitely the cutest cosplayer in the entire event. So natural and sweet X3

But nothing beats this comiket pic! XD And hey, my first lolspeak pic! No cats though :(

Yes I've done it! Every blog needs to have at least one Nice Boat pic. I rock.

You can take this ferry to come to Tokyo Big Sight as well. But there's another reason why I left early to walk to the port. If you think I'm an otaku...

...then you have seen nothing yet. Welcome to the world of Itasha, where crazed fans decorate their *expensive* cars with anime decals and interiors. Man, I wouldn't even want to decorate my Kenari this way, let alone a sports car!

No Konata, No Life eh? I guess this is one way of making her your wife.

Yay, Touhou! I wonder if the owner drives like how he avoids bullets.

How's that for a Yukkuri Shite Itte ne parody? ^^;; I'm lamez.

A lot of puppets in the car O.O Moving on...

At least his dashboard looked like my table back in Malaysia :P

Oh, I like the design on this one. Notice the Lucky Strike parody, nice.

Most of the others were like some amateurish anime wallpaper smacked on to a car, but this one followed the car's shape well. The typeface looked great too.

One of the motorbikes cursed by Oyashiro-sama, said to have one explode and another one stolen every year.

Shana fans, would you like to be seen riding this bike?

*Higurashi spoiler alert* A car dedicated to Hanyuu!

Aauuu, Rena-chan... please don't use me for target practice.

Fan of Kotonoha of School Days! Now this is a car owner with a sense of humour *thumbs up*

You can find someone's head in a bag, somewhere in the backseat...

Nothing like Miku's voice pulsing through your car speakers as you go for a ride.

For those who dunno Japanese, 3 is san or mi (depending on context) and 9 is kyu or ku. So Miku translates to 39. Sankyu (the engrish Thank you) also comes to 39. Sankyu, Miku! Either it's a fake license plate number, or the owner is passionate and RICH. I'm guessing the latter.

This is just a bus used for advertising. You might not be able to see them, but there are big plasma screens on each window showing promo videos. Sometimes you can see these buses driving through Shibuya and Shinjuku, showing promos of j-music albums, anime, games, etc.

And while waiting for the train home, you can see a WHOLE BUNCH of anime posters pasted all over the station walls. Awesome.

And that ends my first experience of Comiket. Overwhelming, man. Super overwhelming. Yet, I can't wait to go for Comiket 76, sometime next August!

Oh yea, I can't show you the spoils of war this time ^^;; hehheheeeheehh...

Ok need to get ready to meet my cousins. We're going someplace for some new year countdown. Happy new year everyone!

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