Festival Special 1: Tokyo Game Show

Yikes, this post is long overdue. The Tokyo Game Show was on 11th and 12th October, but I was too lazy to edit the pictures and all that. But because today is Bunka no Hi (Culture Day) and a holiday, I shall do everyone a great service ;)

Firstly, I was worried whether I was on the right train...

... but with people playing DS and PSP left and right, I was relieved.

The first booth that welcomed us to the show was SNK. We were delighted to see King of Fighters XII, due next April. For the first time in so many years, they're redrawing all the sprites, and we know how SNK is at sprite animation. So far, it looks superb! *two thumbs up*

We lined up for almost an hour just to play the game. Those who won 3 rounds can stay to play on the next guy. Naturally, I suck in these kind of games, so I played only once. Of course, Dzaid stayed for god knows how long.

Xbox 360 is not doing that well in Japan but it's picking up the pace. I mean, just look at that booth! The promotion video that was on that big-ass screen was really impressive, it made me wanna buy a Xbox 360. For a few seconds.

But if I were to buy a Xbox 360, it would definitely be for this game! It looks IMPRESSIVE! And I enjoyed playing Star Ocean 3 on the PS2 too. Why... Why must it be for the 360?!!! _orz

According to the survey in latest issue of Famitsu, the Capcom booth stole the show. Of course, what with Monster Hunter 3 and Biohazard 5. Even the small games did well too, such as...

...Gyakuten Kenji, a game where you control prosecutor Miles Edgeworth instead!! In the same survey, it got voted the most interesting portable game in TGS, even beating Dragon Quest IX!

If you lined up to play the game, you could bask in Edgeworth's greatness that is his office! I would if I could read Kanji =_=;;

The Square-Enix booth wasn't doing half-bad either, with the long-awaited Dragon Quest IX trailers and playable Dissidia. Too bad there was nothing new about Final Fantasy XIII. :(

I might be a sega fanboy, but sadly there was nothing interesting there. Even Sonic Unleashed (or Sonic World Adventure) was featured in the Sony booth instead. Wonder why.

TGS = Tokyo Girls Show. What, games? Where?

This game is awwwwwwwffullly similar to Animal Crossing, except that it's based on magic school instead. Great going, Konami!

The success of previous MGS online expansions fueled them to come up with Metal Gear Online. If you can see the wallpaper in the picture, it's actually a compilation of characters and camouflage suits. Nice.

If I had to choose one game from the TGS that I'd buy on the spot, it's this one! Klonoa 2 is simply my favourite platform game of all time. A game with simple controls but fun and challenging obstacles. I tried this remake of Klonoa 1 for the Wii, and it was really really fun to play! Previews all over the Internet praised it like mad too.

Can't wait to get my hands on this. Thank god I brought my Wii to Japan!!!!

Alright it's time to move to the cosplay hall! Isn't that what TGS is all about, keke...

They look a little different, but nice to see them all in one place :)

*gasp* It's Miku, and she looks hawt *wipes saliva*

Oh god, she waved her spring onion *faints*

I've seen a lot of Ls, but this is the first time I've seen Watari! Nice!

The guards weren't the only ones distracted by the porn magazine :}

No zombies can stand a chance against these elites!

Tidus ditched Yuna to "play blitzball", it seems.

Cool, huh? After this picture was taken, the trademark Silent Hill Nurse came in. Wanted to take a picture, but when she took out her mask, we found out it's a guy :P Thanks but no thanks!

It's BB Hood and Lilith! *drool*

Arguably, I also liked what I couldn't see.

Kimahri was quite ugly, so thank god uber-cool Auron blocked him.

Didn't know Trucy was taller than Apollo. Maybe it's her hat.

A topless guy who cosplays Kratos? I'm in!

Man, the poster this year is so unimaginative, unlike the 2004 version.

And that's all for the Tokyo Game Show. Stay tuned for two more festival posts, coming right up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah damn cool n i'm not even a game fan except for WoW n Animal Crossing of coz ;p

Still remember TGS '04... good times!